Sixteen years ago this month (on the 26th actually), I became what my sister fondly refers to as "Frankenface." This Throwback Third Thursday (#tbtt) I am looking back to when I got jaw surgery because when I went to the dentist this morning they showed me this and I thought it was kind of awesome. No... weird ailments and bazzarities are not a recent thing for me. This has been a lifelong endeavor.
Note how I have a "screw loose" (as Jordan put it). Not sure if it's always been like that or if it's gone rouge. I might need to scrounge up an x-ray or two from my old dentist in California to find out!
As I leave for a weekend in Galveston, this Throwback Third Thursday (#tbtt) I look back to those Spring Break Easters Erin and I spend in the tulips! I love you sister! And in a couple weeks, HAPPY EASTER! *In the "language of flowers" a tulip bouquet is said to symbolize elegance and grace.
Lets just admire the remarkable 80's-ness depicted in this picture and appreciate all the family fun-times it represents shall we.